#SixOnSaturday The White Garden

This week’s been a bit of a funny one, really. I’ve had a bit of a wobble mental health-wise, annoying but, fortunately, not completely debilitating. It didn’t stop me getting some actual gardening done at home, doing my first session in the garden of my first private gardening client – 😊 – or fulfilling all my other paid-work obligations; it just meant that most of the week it felt like I was wading through treacle, or circling around the edges of an anxiety attack, or both.

But it hasn’t stopped me getting out in the garden and finding myself spoilt for choice for #SixOnSaturday! We have hellebore ‘Christmas Carol’, nigella – self-sown from last year’s display, could be Miss Jekyll or Persian Jewelsgeranium ‘Summer Skies’, a bare root from Thompson and Morgan, galanthus nivalis from Sarah Raven last year, a hollyhock from a pack of five bare roots which I pick up from Saisnbury’s and have got off to such a good start that I bought another pack this week, and peony ‘Candy Stripe’ which came in the same deal from T&M as the geranium.

Next weekend I’m away for a few days so hopefully #SixOnSaturday will include some Kentish loveliness. Or I’ll be so busy having a lovely time that I’ll completely forget and you’ll have to make do without me for a week!

Custodianship of #SixOnSaturday has transferred to Jim, who blogs at Garden Ruminations. I imagine you will find lots of other lovely blog posts in the comments there!

Happy gardening!


Twitter and Instagram: MySecretGard

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